A wooden deck with a swimming pool and designer lounge chairs.

The Benefits of DIY Pool Covers for Power Savings and Natural Heating


Are you a pool owner looking for ways to save on heating costs and maximise the use of natural resources? Did you know that DIY pool covers can reduce your heating expenses by a staggering 50% to 70%? This article is your go-to guide to understanding how these clever inventions work, granting power savings and utilising natural heat sources. There are several types of pool covers to choose from, including solar covers, thermal covers, and liquid pool covers. Each type has its unique way of harnessing natural heat and reducing evaporation, ultimately lowering your heating costs. By investing in a DIY pool cover, you can make a significant impact on both your wallet and the environment.

Prepare yourself for an exciting journey into cost-effective, eco-friendly swimming!

Key Takeaways

  • DIY pool covers can reduce heating expenses by 50% to 70%, resulting in significant power savings.
  • Pool covers help retain heat, reducing the need for external heating sources and lowering energy costs.
  • By utilizing solar energy, DIY pool covers provide natural heating benefits, minimizing reliance on external heating systems.
  • Pool covers also offer additional advantages such as water conservation, cleaner pools with reduced debris and chemical usage, and enhanced safety measures.

How DIY Pool Covers Work

There are different types of DIY pool covers, including thermal pool covers, bubble wrap pool covers, and solid safety pool covers, all of which provide various benefits for power savings and natural heating.

Types of pool covers

Diving into the world of pool covers, we see a wide range of types tailored for various needs and preferences. DIY Pool covers come in many forms, each offering its own advantages.

  1. Thermal pool covers: Known for their heat retention capabilities, thermal pool covers can significantly reduce energy demand and costs. These are ideal for pool owners seeking to keep their pools warm while saving on heating bills.
  2. Solar pool covers: These eco-friendly covers utilise solar energy to naturally heat your pool, eliminating the need for external heating sources.
  3. Solid safety pool covers: Designed with safety in mind, these robust covers provide an excellent barrier against accidental falls into the pool when not in use.
  4. Bubble wrap pool covers: Lightweight yet effective, bubble wrap pool covers prevent water evaporation and retain heat well.
  5. Automatic pool covers: A convenient choice for busy homeowners, automatic pool covers can be rolled out or retracted with just a push of a button.
  6. Designer Pool Covers: For those who want to blend functionality with aesthetics, designer pool covers add a touch of elegance to your backyard ambience while protecting your swimming area from debris or unexpected weather changes.
  7. Insulated Pool Blankets: Excellent at retaining heat within the pool, insulated blankets also support reduced water evaporation and lower chemical usage.
  8. Environmentally friendly Pool Covers: These sustainable options not only conserve energy but also promote less reliance on chemicals by keeping the water cleaner.

Benefits of using a pool cover

Using a pool cover offers several benefits for pool owners. These include:

  1. Reduced heating costs: DIY pool covers help to retain heat, reducing the need for external heating sources and lowering heating bills.
  2. Energy savings: By keeping heat inside the pool, pool covers minimize heat loss and conserve energy.
  3. Water conservation: Pool covers prevent evaporation, helping to conserve water and reduce the need for frequent refilling.
  4. Cleaner pool: A pool cover acts as a barrier, preventing debris from entering the pool and reducing the amount of cleaning required.
  5. Chemical savings: With less debris entering the pool, fewer chemicals are needed to maintain water quality, resulting in cost savings.
  6. Enhanced safety: Pool covers can provide an added layer of safety by preventing accidental entry or potential drowning incidents.
  7. Natural heating: Some DIY pool covers utilize solar energy to naturally warm up the water, reducing reliance on external heating sources.
  8. Cost-effective solution: Compared to other methods of heating and maintaining a pool’s temperature, DIY pool covers offer a more affordable option.
  9. Eco-friendly choice: Using a pool cover helps to reduce energy consumption and promotes sustainable practices in swimming pool maintenance.
  10. Longer swimming season: With a pool cover in place, you can extend your swimming season by retaining heat and keeping the water at a comfortable temperature.

Power Savings with DIY Pool Covers

DIY pool covers help to save power by retaining heat and reducing evaporation, resulting in lower heating costs.

Heat retention and reduced evaporation

DIY pool covers offer the benefit of heat retention and reduced evaporation, which can significantly impact your power savings. By keeping the cover on when your pool is not in use, you can prevent heat from escaping into the atmosphere.

This means that when you go to use your pool, it will already be at a warmer temperature without needing to rely on electric heaters or gas-powered systems. Additionally, covering your pool reduces evaporation, which helps conserve water and cuts down on chemical usage for maintaining water balance.

With a DIY pool cover, you can keep more warmth in your pool while reducing energy costs and promoting sustainability.

Lower heating costs

DIY pool covers are a great investment for pool owners looking to lower their heating costs. By trapping heat inside the pool, these covers help to reduce heat loss and keep the water warmer for longer periods of time.

With potential savings of 50% to 70%, using a pool cover can significantly decrease your heating bills. Whether you choose a thermal cover, solar cover, or insulated blanket, the key is to prevent heat from escaping and minimize evaporation.

Not only will this save you money on energy expenses, but it will also contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to pool maintenance.

Natural Heating Benefits of DIY Pool Covers

DIY pool covers provide natural heating benefits by utilizing solar energy to warm the pool, reducing reliance on external heating sources.

Utilizing solar energy to warm the pool

DIY pool covers have the added benefit of utilizing solar energy to warm your pool. Solar pool covers are designed to capture and retain the sun’s heat, transferring it directly into your pool water.

This means that you can enjoy a warmer swimming experience without the need for external heating sources. By harnessing the power of the sun, you can reduce your reliance on electricity or gas-powered heaters, helping you save money while also reducing your carbon footprint.

Soaking up the natural warmth of solar energy is not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective in keeping your pool comfortably heated all season long.

Reducing reliance on external heating sources

By using a DIY pool cover, you can significantly reduce your reliance on external heating sources. Pool covers help to trap and retain heat, allowing the water temperature to increase naturally without the need for additional heating systems.

This means that you can save money by reducing or even eliminating the use of pool heaters. By harnessing solar energy and preventing heat loss through evaporation, pool covers provide an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for keeping your pool warm throughout the year.

With a thermal or insulated cover in place, you can enjoy swimming in a comfortable and inviting pool without relying heavily on external heating sources.

Additional Benefits of DIY Pool Covers

DIY pool covers offer additional benefits such as water conservation, a cleaner pool with reduced debris and chemical usage, and enhanced safety.

Water conservation

DIY pool covers offer more than just power savings and natural heating benefits. They also play a crucial role in water conservation. By covering your pool when it’s not in use, you can significantly reduce water evaporation, which helps to conserve this precious resource.

In fact, using a pool cover can save up to 30,000 gallons of water per year! Not only does this help the environment by conserving water resources, but it also saves you money on utility bills by reducing the need for constant refilling.

So, if you’re looking for an eco-friendly and cost-effective way to maintain your pool while minimizing water wastage, investing in a DIY pool cover is the way to go.

Pool covers are not only great for saving energy and heating your pool naturally but they also have additional benefits that make them worth considering. One such benefit is their ability to conserve water.

By keeping your pool covered when it’s not in use, you can prevent evaporation and ensure that precious water isn’t wasted unnecessarily. This is especially important during hot summer months when temperatures are high and evaporation rates increase.

Cleaner pool with reduced debris and chemical usage

Using a DIY pool cover not only helps you save on energy costs, but it also keeps your pool cleaner and reduces the need for chemicals. By covering your pool when it’s not in use, you can prevent leaves, dirt, and other debris from entering the water.

This means less time spent cleaning and more time enjoying your pool. Additionally, with a pool cover in place, there is less evaporation, which means fewer chemicals are needed to maintain the water balance.

So not only will you have a cleaner pool, but you’ll also save money on cleaning products. Invest in a DIY pool cover to keep your swimming area pristine while reducing debris and minimizing chemical usage effortlessly.

Enhanced safety

DIY pool covers not only provide power savings and natural heating benefits but also offer enhanced safety for pool owners. By covering your pool when it’s not in use, you can create a barrier that helps to prevent accidents, especially with young children or pets around.

Solid safety covers and child safety covers are designed specifically to support the weight of a person, reducing the risk of anyone falling into the pool. These covers act as an extra layer of protection, giving you peace of mind knowing that your pool is secure even when you’re not actively supervising it.

So, along with saving energy and heating costs, using a DIY pool cover can help ensure the safety of your loved ones near the water.


In conclusion, DIY pool covers offer numerous benefits for pool owners looking to save on power costs and harness natural heating. By retaining heat and reducing evaporation, these covers can significantly lower heating bills and reliance on external heating sources.

Additionally, they promote water conservation, cleaner pools with reduced debris and chemicals, and enhanced safety. Investing in a DIY pool cover is an energy-efficient and cost-effective way to enjoy a warmer pool while minimizing environmental impact.

What Are the Benefits of Maintaining DIY Pool Covers for Longevity and Efficiency?

Maintaining DIY pool covers is essential for ensuring longevity and efficiency. By following proper pool cover maintenance tips, such as regular cleaning, removing debris, and ensuring proper fit, you can extend the lifespan of your cover and reduce energy costs. Additionally, pool covers help prevent water evaporation, maintain water temperature, and keep out dirt and leaves, saving you time and effort in pool cleaning.


1. How can a DIY pool cover help save power?

A DIY pool cover can help save power by reducing evaporation, which in turn reduces the need to constantly heat or cool the pool water. This can result in significant energy savings over time.

2. Can a DIY pool cover provide natural heating?

Yes, a DIY pool cover can provide natural heating by trapping and retaining solar heat from the sun. The cover acts as an insulator, helping to warm up the water naturally without relying on additional energy sources.

3. Are DIY pool covers easy to install?

Yes, DIY pool covers are generally designed for easy installation and can be done without professional assistance. They typically come with instructions and require basic tools or equipment to securely fasten them over the surface of the pool.

4. Are there any other benefits of using a DIY pool cover?

In addition to power savings and natural heating, using a DIY pool cover can also reduce water loss through evaporation, minimize debris accumulation in the pool, and potentially extend the swimming season by maintaining warmer water temperatures for longer periods of time.