A woman is swimming in a pool.

Understanding the Cost of Pool Covers: Are They Worth It?


Are you wondering whether investing in a pool cover is worth the cost? You’re not alone. In this blog post, we aim to shed light on all factors affecting their price and highlight the multitude of benefits that come with using them.

So, let’s dive right into understanding the real value of pool covers!

Key Takeaways

  • Factors such as pool size and shape, type of cover, and materials used affect the cost of pool covers.
  • Pool covers offer benefits such as reduced water evaporation, clean pools free from debris, improved energy efficiency, and enhanced safety.
  • The price range for different types of pool covers varies, but they provide long – term cost savings through water conservation, reduced chemical usage, energy savings and maintenance requirements.
  • When choosing a pool cover, consider its lifespan and durability along with maintenance requirements to ensure it provides value for your investment.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Pool Covers

The cost of pool covers is influenced by factors such as the size and shape of the pool, the type of cover used, the materials used in construction, and the installation and maintenance costs involved.

Size and shape of the pool

The size and shape of your pool significantly affect the cost of acquiring a pool cover. Larger or uniquely shaped pools tend to require more material, leading to higher expenses. It’s not just about covering the water surface; edges and curves can add complexity, thus price, to custom-fit covers.

For instance, rectangular pools often come with lower costs due to standard dimensions that avoid excess wastage during manufacturing. Similarly, circular or oval-shaped designs result in relatively affordable options than freeform or kidney-shaped pools as they are easier to measure and manufacture.

Therefore, knowing your pool’s exact size and shape is essential before purchasing a cover so you can budget accordingly.

Type of cover (standard winter cover, mesh security cover, automatic cover)

Standard winter covers, also known as tarp covers, are a popular and affordable option for pool owners. These covers are made of durable tarp material and generally range in price from $75 to $225.

While they do a good job of blocking sunlight and keeping out light debris, they require a pump on top to prevent water accumulation. Standard winter covers typically last 1 to 3 seasons.

For those looking for added safety and security, mesh security covers are worth considering. Although more expensive than standard winter covers, these mesh covers offer enhanced protection by preventing accidental drownings.

The cost of mesh security covers varies depending on the size of the pool, but they provide peace of mind to pool owners who have young children or pets.

Another option is an automatic cover, which provides convenience and ease of use. These motorized covers can be controlled with the push of a button and offer excellent safety features.

Materials used

Pool covers are made from a variety of materials, each with its own advantages and costs. Some common materials used for pool covers include tarp, mesh, and solid vinyl. Tarp covers are affordable but may have a shorter lifespan compared to other options.

Mesh covers provide added safety and allow water to drain through while keeping debris out. Solid vinyl covers offer maximum protection against sunlight and debris but can be more expensive.

The material you choose will depend on your budget, desired features, and the specific needs of your pool.

Installation and maintenance costs

Installing and maintaining a pool cover come with additional costs that should be taken into consideration. The installation cost will depend on the type of cover you choose and the size of your pool.

If you’re opting for a manual or automatic cover, professional installation may be necessary, which could increase the overall expense. Additionally, some covers require regular maintenance to keep them in good condition.

This might include cleaning, repairs, or replacing certain parts over time. Considering both installation and maintenance costs is crucial when evaluating the overall investment of a pool cover.

Benefits of Pool Covers

Pool covers offer several benefits to pool owners, including reduced evaporation and water loss, a clean and debris-free pool, improved energy efficiency by reducing heat loss, and enhanced safety with security covers.

Find out more about the cost of pool covers and whether they are worth it for your pool.

Reduces evaporation and water loss

Pool covers play a crucial role in reducing evaporation and water loss. By covering your pool when it’s not in use, you can significantly minimize the amount of water that evaporates from the surface.

In fact, studies have shown that up to 50% to 70% of water evaporation can be prevented with a pool cover. This not only helps conserve water but also reduces the need for frequent refilling, saving you money on your water bill in the long run.

So, if you’re concerned about preserving this valuable resource and keeping your pool at optimal levels, investing in a pool cover is definitely worth considering.

Keeps the pool clean and free from debris

A pool cover is an effective way to keep your pool clean and free from debris. It acts as a barrier, preventing leaves, twigs, insects, and other unwanted objects from entering the water.

This not only saves you time on cleaning but also helps maintain the water quality by reducing the amount of dirt and contaminants that can accumulate. With a pool cover in place, you’ll be able to enjoy a cleaner and more inviting swimming experience whenever you decide to take a dip.

Improves energy efficiency by reducing heat loss

Pool covers are a great investment for pool owners as they improve energy efficiency by reducing heat loss. By keeping the pool covered when it’s not in use, you can prevent heat from escaping, which means less energy is required to maintain the desired temperature.

This translates into significant savings on your heating costs over time. Additionally, covering your pool helps to retain heat generated from solar heating systems or heaters, maximizing their effectiveness and minimizing energy waste.

So not only do pool covers help save money, but they also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly approach to pool ownership.

Enhances safety, especially with security covers

Security covers are a crucial feature when it comes to pool safety. These covers are specifically designed to provide an added layer of protection, preventing accidents and keeping your loved ones safe.

With a robust construction and sturdy materials, security covers can support the weight of an adult, ensuring that no one accidentally falls into the pool. They act as a barrier against unwanted access and reduce the risk of drowning incidents.

Investing in a security cover for your pool is an important step towards creating a secure environment for everyone around it.

Cost Analysis of Pool Covers

The price range for different types of pool covers varies based on factors such as size, material, and installation costs.

Price range for different types of covers

The cost of pool covers can vary significantly depending on their type and the specific features they offer. Here’s an approximate price range for different types of pool covers:

Type of CoverApproximate Price Range
Standard Winter Cover$75 – $225
Mesh Security CoverUsually more costly than standard winter covers
Automatic CoverGenerally more expensive due to automation, specific cost can vary widely based on pool size and shape
Solar CoverPrice varies by pool size, but overall cost-effective in terms of heating expenses

Remember, these are approximate costs and specific prices can vary based on various factors including pool size, shape, region, and vendor. Always do your own research to get the most accurate price available.

Long-term cost savings (water conservation, reduced chemical usage, energy savings)

Pool covers offer more than just immediate benefits – they also provide long-term cost savings. By keeping your pool covered when it’s not in use, you can conserve water and reduce the need for chemical treatments.

The cover acts as a barrier, preventing evaporation and keeping chemicals from dissipating into the air. This means you’ll spend less on water refills and chemical replacements over time.

Additionally, pool covers help to retain heat, reducing energy consumption by minimizing the need for heating during cooler months. In the long run, these cost-saving measures can add up significantly, making pool covers a worthwhile investment for any pool owner.


– Pool covers help conserve water by reducing evaporation.

Return on investment

Installing a pool cover is not only a smart investment for the present, but it also offers long-term financial benefits. By reducing water evaporation and heat loss, pool covers can significantly lower your heating costs.

In fact, covering your pool when it’s not in use can lead to potential savings of 50% to 70%. Additionally, pool covers help prevent debris from entering the pool, which means less time spent cleaning and fewer chemical expenses.

With an improved energy efficiency and decreased maintenance requirements, investing in a pool cover provides a solid return on investment for any pool owner.

Other Factors to Consider

Don’t forget to consider the lifespan, maintenance requirements, and warranty when choosing a pool cover. Discover more about these factors and make an informed decision for your pool.

Lifespan and durability of pool covers

Pool covers come in a range of materials and designs, which can affect their lifespan and durability. Generally, solid and robust pool covers tend to last longer than cheaper options.

A well-maintained pool cover can typically have a lifespan of 5 to 10 years or more, providing long-term value for your investment. It’s important to choose a cover that is made from high-quality materials and is designed to withstand the elements, as this will ensure it can endure regular use and exposure to sun, rain, and snow.

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning off debris and storing the cover properly when not in use, will also help prolong its lifespan and keep it in good condition. By investing in a durable pool cover, you can enjoy its benefits for many years to come without the need for frequent replacements or repairs.

Maintenance requirements

Maintaining your pool cover is important to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Here are some maintenance requirements you should keep in mind:

  • Regular cleaning: Remove leaves, dirt, and debris from the cover using a broom or leaf blower. This will prevent them from accumulating and causing damage.
  • Inspection: Check for any tears, holes, or loose seams on the cover. Repair these issues promptly to prevent further damage.
  • Proper storage: When not in use, store the cover in a clean and dry area. Avoid folding it tightly to prevent creases that could weaken the material.
  • Chemical balance: Maintain proper water chemistry to prevent chemical damage to the cover. Imbalanced water can deteriorate the cover faster.
  • Winter care: If using a winter cover, make sure it is securely fastened and properly supported to withstand harsh weather conditions.
  • Professional maintenance: Consider professional servicing of your pool cover at least once a year. They can inspect and maintain it for optimal performance.

Warranty and customer support

Pool covers often come with warranties to provide you with peace of mind. These warranties vary in terms of length and coverage, so it’s important to review them carefully before making a purchase.

In addition, reliable customer support is crucial for any potential issues or questions that may arise regarding your pool cover. Good customer support ensures that you have someone knowledgeable and helpful to assist you throughout the process, whether it’s during installation or addressing any concerns after purchase.

So when considering pool covers, be sure to take into account the warranty provided and the level of customer support offered by the manufacturer or retailer.

Conclusion: Are Pool Covers Worth It?

In conclusion, understanding the cost of pool covers is essential for pool owners to determine if they are worth the investment. While pool covers do come with upfront costs, they provide numerous benefits such as water conservation, reduced chemical usage, energy savings, and enhanced safety. One way to justify the cost of pool covers is by conducting a cost comparison for above ground swimming pools. By comparing the expenses associated with maintaining a pool without a cover versus the potential savings with a pool cover, owners can determine the long-term value of investing in this accessory. Additionally, considering the environmental impact and safety benefits can also play a significant role in justifying the cost of pool covers.

By considering factors like size, type of cover, materials used, and long-term cost savings, individuals can make an informed decision on whether pool covers are worth it for their specific needs and budget.

Are Pool Covers Expensive and Worth the Investment?

Pool covers, though often deemed expensive, are actually worth the investment thanks to the numerous benefits of a swimming pool cover. These covers not only reduce water and chemical evaporation, saving on maintenance costs, but also minimize heat loss, ultimately helping to lower energy bills. Additionally, pool covers act as a safety measure, preventing accidents and keeping the pool clean for longer periods. With their long-lasting durability, the advantages outweigh the initial cost.


1. How much does a pool cover typically cost?

The cost of a pool cover can vary depending on factors such as the size of your pool, the material of the cover, and any additional features or customization options. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from £200 to £1000 for a quality pool cover.

2. What are the benefits of investing in a pool cover?

Pool covers offer several benefits, including reducing evaporation and water loss, preventing debris from entering the pool, retaining heat and reducing energy costs associated with heating the water, and providing safety by acting as a barrier for children or pets.

3. Will using a pool cover save me money in the long run?

Yes, using a pool cover can help save you money in multiple ways. By reducing water evaporation and heat loss, it reduces the need to constantly top up your pool with water or use excessive amounts of energy to maintain an optimal temperature. Additionally, it helps keep your pool clean, which can reduce maintenance costs and prolong the lifespan of your equipment.

4. Are there any downsides to using a pool cover?

While there are many advantages to using a pool cover, there are some potential downsides to consider. Pool covers require regular maintenance and cleaning to prevent algae growth or damage from accumulated debris. They may also require additional equipment like rollers for easy installation and removal. Additionally, some people find them aesthetically unappealing when covering their pools during periods of non-use.